Voicemail (Scripting)
“This message is for (Patient’s Name), this is (Your Name) calling on behalf of the CHI Saint Joseph's Health, Pre-Registration Department. I am calling regarding your upcoming appointment.
You can call us back as soon as you receive this message at your earliest convenience. Our number is 833-274-2931 and we are here Mondays-Fridays from 9AM-8PM.
Please have your insurance card and photo ID available and you can look for me as I am the one handling your chart, again my name is (Your name). Thank you and have a great day!”
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening! Thank you for calling CHI St. Joseph’s Health Pre-Registration Department. I would like to inform you that our calls may be monitored or recorded for quality and purposes, can you help me with your first and last name?
Hi, (Patient’s Name). Are you calling to get pre-registered?
“Thank you for giving us a call, I’ll go ahead and assist you with your pre-registration and to set your expectation, this might take 10-15 minutes. For us to expedite the process, please ready your insurance and photo ID and let me know once you are ready, okay?”
For HIPAA purposes, can you help me with your date of birth together with your complete address with city state, and zip code.
HIPAA Verified
Proceed with pre-registration process
” Good morning/Afternoon/Evening! May I please speak with (Patient’s Name), Hi this is (Your Name) calling on behalf of CHI Saint Joseph Health (Facility), pre-registration department and I would like to inform you that this call may be monitored or recorded for quality and purposes”
“The reason for my call is to get you pre-registered for your upcoming procedure with us. We’ll just need to verify your demographics and insurance benefits if you will have any financial responsibility for your procedure that you will be having. Do you have at least 10-15 minutes to complete this pre-registration?"
- What is the name that appears on your card?
- Can you please verify your Date of birth?
- Can you also verify your full address please? together the city, state, and zip code
- We have your gender as well as birth gender listed as male/female. Is that Correct?
- And your primary number on file is xxx-xxx-xxxx. May I know if this is a landline or cell phone?
- (Do you want to add another phone number?)
(TCPA) If cellphone:
Do you authorize the hospital and its affiliates to contact you at this number about your services or your account using pre-recorded messages, automatic telephone dialing system, and/or text messages?
If landline: no need to read the script
- With email: The email address on file is __.
- No email: Is there an email address you would like to put on file to receive communications on hospital services and events?
“I still need to verify some information here, this might have been asked to you before, but we are doing this to make sure we have them correct.”
- May I know your marital status?
- What best describes your race?
- What RACE and Ethni city do you best affiliate yourself? (Not Hispanic/ Not Latino) / (You identify your race as and ethnicity is _. Is that correct?)
- To confirm your preferred language is English
- Do you have a church or denomination you like to list for religious preference?
- Are there any special needs that you need accommodate? like a wheelchair or oxygen?
Travel and Covid:
- Thank you for all this information. Now we need to go over Covid and travel questions. You just have to say yes or no (Go to Travel screening tab)
- Are you currently employed? (Go to Employment)
- May I have the name of the organization/employer and your employment status?
- The emergency contact that we have on file is ___ (Go to patients contact tab). Is that correct?
- Do you want to add another emergency contact?
- It is also showing here that your primary care doctor is (Doctor’s Name), right?
- And your referring or attending physician who will be doing the procedure is (Doctor’s Name), correct? (Go to PCP or check the story bar left side)
- Do you want your visit to be a private encounter? This means we are not going to notify anyone about your visit, including your emergency contacts.
Just to let you know it means we would not provide any information to outside guests or visitors or even confirm you are a patient and that would include your emergency contacts as well. (Go to Encounter info: Private encounter)
- Is the reason you are coming in due to an accident or injury?
- When did you begin experiencing symptoms that have caused the need for this procedure? (Go to Hospital account: Claim Info)
Let's now go over with your Insurance card
- It shows here you have an active insurance policy with (Insurance Name).
- Are you the subscriber of this insurance?
- Can you confirm your member/subscriber ID?
- Can you also confirm your group ID?
- Do you have any other insurance coverages we need to add to the account?
If patient has only one insurance:
NSA Surprise Medical Bills Act: (Commercial Ins/payment has been verified)
Your insurance company has notified us that your insurance plan has an estimated patient responsibility. Before I discuss that responsibility, I need to read a disclaimer, please be informed that….
You have Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills. You are protected from balance billing of emergency services and other services where providers may be out of network. In these circumstances, you are only responsible for paying your in-network portion of the cost. You will receive additional details on your rights and protection against surprise medical bills at the time of your service, or I can provide it to you via mail or email. Which do you prefer?
Mention the amount:
The estimated patient responsibility for this service is $___. We accept all major credit and debit cards. How would you like to take care of that today?
I do need to inform you that failure to pay at the day of your appointment may result in your appointment being rescheduled or cancelled according to CHI postponement procedure.
Secure Payment Processing:
Let me go ahead and activate our Secure Payment system and I would like to inform you that everything will be encrypted for you protection as a patient.
We will also be sending a confirmation receipt to your active email address ____________ and you will be receiving it via text as a back up to ____________.
The secure pay is now open, you may now key in the 16 digits card number of your card followed by the pound sign or hash key
Next is the 4 digits expiration date of the card then the pound sign
Next is the 3 or 4 digit CVV code then pound
Name of the Card
Verify the billing zip code of the card verbally to patient
To confirm, the amount to be paid is amounting to ______________. I will now go ahead and process the payment
- I want to make it a seamless experience for you with your procedure, why don't we go ahead and process this payment for you today so that you won't experience the hassle of filling out paperworks and line up just to make a payment in the facility. (Pause)
So, How would you like to take care of that today? We accept major credit cards, debit cards. (Pause)
- The good thing about making your payment today over the phone is that we have a secure payment system where you don't have to verbally state your account information. All you have to do is key in that information using your phone's keypad then press pound or hash key after
"I believe that concludes the pre-registration I have for you, do you have any questions for me that are non medical?"
**"Please remember to bring your ID, insurance card(s), (method of payment w/liability only) and any orders that you may receive from the facility”
”In addition to that, please be informed that someone from the facility might get in touch with you to inform you the time and some preparations that you need to do prior to your procedure”** “Thank you for choosing CHI ST JOSEPH HEALTH (FACILITY). We have a brief 4 question survey that you will be transferred to now regarding the service I have provided you. I strive for a score 5, which means you are very satisfied with my service. Please hold while I transfer you the survey. If you do not wish to take the survey, you may disconnect at any time”